Differences between THC and CBD

Differences between THC and CBD

Cannabis contains more than 100 active substances called cannabinoids. Among them, those with the highest concentration are THC and CBD, which can vary depending on the type of plant. Both substances act on the human endocannabinoid system, although they do it very differently. Today, we are going to explain in depth what these differences between THC and CBD consist of and what implications they have.

What is THC

THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the cannabinoid found in the highest proportion in cannabis plants. This substance has a strong psychoactive power and is responsible for the "high" produced when smoking marijuana.

Its concentration varies from one plant to another and, those that contain it in a higher percentage are the most demanded for recreational use. The effects of THC can vary from person to person and often cause:

  • Relaxation.
  • Ease and propensity to laugh.
  • Short-term memory loss.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Appetite stimulation.

The consumption of THC has also been linked to anxiety and behavior disorders in vulnerable groups, so its use is not recommended. Furthermore, this circumstance together with its psychoactive effects makes it not legal in most countries.

What is CBD

CBD is the other cannabinoid with the greatest presence in cannabis. This substance acts on certain neuronal receptors and is responsible for the medicinal effect of marijuana. The therapeutic response of cannabidiol is very useful to treat problems of:

  • Inflammation.
  • Chronic pain or neuropathic pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anxiety.

CBD also acts as a THC antagonist. That is, it cancels its effects. Therefore, despite the need for interaction of the two molecules, when we consume CBD oil-based products we only receive the beneficial and therapeutic effects of it.

The big differences between THC and CBD

Actually, CBD and THC do not have great differences in terms of their mode of action in the endocannabinoid system of people. However, their natural effects do differ enormously.

  • CBD is legal, while THC is prohibited in most countries.
  • CBD does not have psychoactive effects, while THC does.
  • Consuming CBD reduces anxiety significantly. On the contrary, THC can trigger it.

In summary, we can say that THC and CBD are both cannabinoids that cause effects in humans. While the first is sought for its recreational use and is not legalized in Spain, cannabidiol is the one that has therapeutic properties, it is legal and its consumption does not produce side effects.

CBD-based preparations are not psychoactive, they contain a THC content of less than 1%, which is necessary for cannabidiol to interact with it and produce its beneficial effects.

As it contains hardly any THC, CBD oil is totally legal, without psychoactive effects, without causing addiction and without interesting side effects. The advantages of its consumption make it the panacea for countless ailments.

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